1. I have cut up my credit card
I have two so I guess this isn’t the greatest triumph but I just decided that there was zero need for two. One was just sitting there tempting me. So it got the chop.
I do have reason for keeping the other one which I’m going to detail in a later post (it is going to save me money… no seriously).
2. I have given up magazines
This is a big one for me. I spend hundreds a year (possibly more) on magazines (fashion, food, gossip, home and travel). So I have decided that apart from the subscriptions I already have (paid in full so they can’t be cancelled) I will no longer be buying magazines. I have even listed the ones I already have on a fashion forum so that I can send them to anyone who wants them, this way I don’t have to feel bad about throwing the pile in the recycling bin.
I buy so many magazines because I like to flip through them at night while my husband and I sit and watch TV. But since I will be starting my Masters soon I figure I won't have as much time for that. Plus, if I don't see sll the new things I could buy I won't want them, right? I have started raeding books at night instead of magazines and this is proving much more educational.
3. I have created targeted account
It takes a few days to create each account but so far I have one for each of the following:
Everyday- this is where mine and my husband’s pay gets deposited. It also has keycard access.
- House Deposit- it currently has a balance of $10,000 and I will deposit $500 a week into it. It is fee-free and has an interest rate of 7.00%.
- Emergency Fund- unfortunately this is a zero balance account now. But I will be devoting some recent profits from eBay to it soon and after that there will regular deposit until I reach my $10,000 goal. It is fee-free and has an interest rate of 7.00%.
- Expenses and Bills- this account is my old one from before hubby and I got a joint account. For some reason I have kept it even though it costs me $4 a month. I’ve decided to keep it because it allows me to have as many fee-free high interest linked accounts as I want whereas the ‘Everyday’ joint account does not. My plans for this account will be revealed in an upcoming post.
- Holiday Fund & Short Term Savings- the bank has been a bit slow in opening these but fingers crossed I will see them soon.
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